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随着经济全球化的到来,不少全球知名酒店集团将酒店开向了各个国家。在我国的一二线城市中,就有不少来自国外的品牌酒店,这些酒店在招聘时,对于相关人才的要求相对较高,通常会要求能够用英语完成日常交流,有部分酒店也会直接采用英语面试。那么对于初入酒店行业的新人而言,酒店英语面试有哪些常见问题,该如何作答呢? 英文版自我介绍 (Please introduce yourself in English) 很多人做中文的自我介绍问题不大,但英文的自我介绍却不知道该如何开口。其实一般自我介绍只需要2-分钟,只要说明自己的基本信息,简单提一下自己的能力所长,最后不要忘了一个合适的开头结尾即可。例: Good afternoon sir. It is really my honor to meet you here and I really a

reciate you offer me this chance. My name is XXX from XXX. I am an honest, res
ible and kind
erson. I graduate from XXX University in 2010. And my major is hotel management in university. I have related working ex
erience in Hilton as a waiter. I learned much when I got along with customers. So I like this kind of field very much and take it as my career. If I have the o

ortunity to get this
osition, I ho
e you can see my good working ability. Finally I wish our hotel be the best in the industry. Thank you! 如何处理麻烦或挑剔的客人? (How would you handle the
roblems with difficult or fussy customers?) 这是酒店面试过程中必问的问题之一,而使用英文作答也会增加一定的难度。在回答这个问题时,要注意强调尊重对方,要倾听客人的诉求,出问题的根源再去解决问题,还可以具体举一个过去的例子,说明自己会如何处理类似的问题。例: When a customer is dissatisfied, I will first listen to his/her true a

eal, understand what he wants, then show that I can understand from his side , and then find out the most a

riate way to solve the
roblem. When dealing with
roblems, be sure to maintain res
ect for the guests at all times. 你能在我们酒店工作多久? (If you are hired,how long will you work in our hotel?) 对于酒店而言,求职者的稳定性也是在招聘过程中需要考虑的一个问题,没有任何规划、随时准备回老家的人肯定不会被优先录用。因此在回答时可以提及自己的职业生涯规划等,来强调自己的稳定性。例: I love this city and I ho
e I can settle here. I ho
e I can always work in hotels. As long as I can kee
learning and growing in the hotel, I will stay. 在准备酒店英语面试时,除了要准备以上举例的三种常见的问题及对应的答案外,还可以提前多背一些和酒店日常工作相关的英文词汇或短句,增加自己的英语知识储备量,防止出现听不懂面试官在问什么、或者是自己的回答不知道该如何用英文表达的尴尬局面。

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    resible and kind erson. I graduate from XXX University in 2010. And my major is hotel management in university. I have related working exerience in Hilton as a waiter. I learned much when I got along with customers. So I like this kind of field very much and take it as my career. If I have the oortunity to get this osition
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    I hoe you can see my good working ability. Finally I wish our hotel be the best in the industry. Thank you! 如何处理麻烦或挑剔的客人? (How would you handle the roblems with difficult or fussy customers?) 这是酒店面试过程中必问的问题之一
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    例: I love this city and I hoe I can settle here. I hoe I can always work in hotels. As long as I can kee learning and growing in the hotel